Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Apple Pie 4th of July

Well, I was getting frustrated with my Bloggers because they weren't posting this weekend while I was lazing around looking for something to read... then I realized that I wasn't either, and everyone was probably off doing a vacation thing or not really interested in being by the computer.

I figured I'd start by summarizing my weekend.
We decided to stay home because it would be more relaxing than travelling. And it is... but it has a certain level of boredom. I started the weekend with a list of projects, but by day 2, I couldn't remember what they were! My brain turned to Jello!

We did manage some fun times: we rode bikes to a friend a block away whose kids were supposed to be selling lemonade - we were a little late, but got a cup anyway; We had tapas at Pepin, and saw my Wed night teacher Bernadette Gaxiola performing - boy is she good; little did I know in my Abercrombie and Fitch mini (discontinued) and JCrew elastic flips that she'd drag me on stage! I'm sure the front row got a good hoochie shot, and the guitarist got flying flips! We went to the Tilted Kilt - can you say CLEAVAGE! and not such good food; We hang around; walked to our favorite Italian place for eggplant scorpino and lasagna; watched Transamerica; went to Lake Pleasant to fix the sailboat so that its ready for next week when G gets his truck back; today we are going to a BBQ and then to ride our bikes to watch the fireworks; and all weekend, I was OBSESSED with Primal Quest.

Tomorrow I head to Pittsburgh for a lovely day of meetings at the "mothership", and then back for all-day training Fri and Sat (WOO HOO!!!). M&M return on Fri.... so that's the only real break from routine on the horizon.


deetour said...

enjoy your travels. you simply MUST go to Colorado with us in August!

bri said...

sometimes boredom is a good thing :)