Thursday, November 09, 2006

n=9 Ramblings and offers

Today I am in a "numb" mood. I think its because I'm tired from not sleeping well last night. Greg got up to turn off the spa filter - something wrong there - around 2am and I didn't really fall asleep again after that. I then spent 2.5 hours driving in traffic to return the rental and pick up my car from yesterday. Since it was pretty cold this morning, I didn't take down the Miata top, so that was kind of a bummer.

Anyway... I am plodding through crap at work. I am very stressed out, and not having a kitchen stresses me out, and money stresses me out, and worrying about all of that crap stresses me out, and working late hours so that I don't get to do my extra-curricular activities pisses me off! and then I feel unfit and like its SO FAR to work back up to where I want to be... and then I feel old, which makes me feel like I LOOK old, and then I get depressed, and stressed, 'cause my life is flying by, and am I really doing what I want to be doing? and am I really spending my time in the way I want? so that I get the most out of every moment? and that answer is a HUGE NO! so that makes me depressed and stressed, and then I look at this aaaaaaaa and wish I lived THERE! but I know that's not easy... 'cause it also includes a lot of this: YIKES!
whine, whine, whine... get your shit together already, Lisa!!

anyway... that's not what I wanted to go on about today...
instead, I thought I would put out there for my "regular" readers...

is there anything you have ever wondered about me?
(you can post an anonymous comment if you don't want to be "recorded")
or is there an opinion of mine you've never heard before (SHOCKER!) that you might like me to go on about?
Since I am trying to post every day in November, I figure I might as well give you something to read that you'd actually WANT to read.....


Defunct Lisa said...

There but for the grace of years lived in "is this my life" confusion, I have a question. Close your eyes, unhook reality, dream a dream......"What do you see yourself doing from 6:00a.m. until 10:00p.m. on a dream day in a perfect life?

- in an email from Moile de Poile

Aaron Stiner said...

Lisa, I think Mr. Poile has a good point...what we want to know about you is what do you want to do with your life? Maybe tick off the top 5 things you have that you love and don't need to change and the top 5 things you want to change. It might help you focus on appreciating what you have and help you to understand what you want. And, they can be little things, like, "I wish I could leave work by 5:30, 3 days a week." Or big things like, "I wish I could start my career over as an anesthesiologist." Then, you can say, what is important to me about what I want, and if I can't completely change who I am and what I am doing, how can I change in small ways. And just focus on one or two small things to change in your life and before you know it, you will be living your dreams.

So, your assignment, if you choose to accept it, is to post on your Top 5 things you love and your Top 5 things you want to change.

Defunct Lisa said...

Mr. Bart, FYI Moile the Poile is a Ms. and I won't give away her identity until she's ready to do so...

anyway... seems like my commentors are trying to help me with my moany post. Or maybe I assume they are since they are both "problem solvers" and care about me...

that's not really what I was looking for in offering to answer questions. However, I will extrapolate on your requests and interpret it into an answer - to come later... ie it might not be n=10 so standby (and A, thanks for not asking me to talk about my POLITICS I was a little worried you would)

Unknown said...

You have often alluded to your thoughts on marriage and breeding, but I don't recall reading or hearing the story(ies) about how you came to feel this way. An in-depth narrative about an instance or event or realization that you felt this way about one of those topics would be interesting to me. And of course that sounds selfish, because perhaps that wouldn't be of interest to a lot of people, or perhaps they've heard about this already. But you asked. And I share some of those feelings, but I know how I came to feel them. And so I am curious about how others came to feel them.
:-) Rebecca

Defunct Lisa said...

Rebecca! very pleased to meet you!
I started this blog mostly to try and meet other people who feel the same way *I* do about breeding. So, yes, I will try and think about how I came to feel this way, and post that up for you.