Monday, February 05, 2007

is it denial, a skill, or just irritating?

I have found that there are two groups of people, those that accept and embrace reality and those that live in a dream world of their own creation.

Let me elaborate.

You have a meeting with someone where you express that you are having an issue, you explain what it is, and you talk to them about how they are going to help you fix it. Then, you go away. Now, technically "fixing" is happening. Then you see the person on another day, and they interact with you as if n.o.t.h.i.n.g is going on. "My, what nice weather we are having"

Now - is this a coping mechanism? is it denial? or is it a clever skill to help deal with those awkward moments in the elevator when you have run into each other and you don't know what to say because the ISSUE is such a LARGE elephant?!


Aaron Stiner said...

So, which group do you claim?

Defunct Lisa said...

hummmm... my sarcasm isn't sufficient to imply that I thinks its avoidance and irritating? or are you asking if I'm an avoider vs confronter? which do you think I am?

Aaron Stiner said...

I was wondering which one of THESE groups you claimed as yours, "those that accept and embrace reality and those that live in a dream world of their own creation."


Defunct Lisa said...

Aaron, you can't be serious. you just can't.