I have been feeling like growth is slow this year, but in looking back at last year's April, we are actually further along.

Side yard - hostas doing well, still no lily-of-the-valley. The bleeding heart is doing well, and we replaced the grass and ivy in the urn.

Creeping Jenny is taking over!
Close-up of the left side of the bed:

the rose didn't do to well after last year's attach from "stuff". I already gave it a dose of fungicide this year and see if we can get it to recover.
Middle of the bed...

Close-up of the right side of the bed:

Side bed:

I moved the heuchera over to the right a little; in the fall will move the Heartleaf Brunnera to the left way from the grass.
Island Bed

This is an experiment... I replaced the 1 dead lavender, and the rest of the bed is maybe wildflowers... We have no idea what is foxglove, sunflower, repeat seeds from last year, and weeds.... so we will let everything grow and see what happens.
Herb bed is doing amazingly well!

We had to replace the bird bath this year.
Here is the back side of the front bed with a good view of the new birdbath.


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