One thing I've noticed is that the bleeding heart didn't get as big as it did last year. I am guessing that it rushed to bloom because of how quickly the temperatures rose.
Here is a photo of it today:
already blooming :-(

And here is last year (in the front):
This photo is from before it bloomed!

Here is the window bed with three of the four plants looking good:

I just love this Heartleaf Brunnera "macrophylla" (Jack Frost).
Can you believe the blue flowers?

A Heliopsis h. Ballerina starting to come through the ground.

The front bed with things coming up, covered in petals.

The hostas on the side are coming up:

I desperately want lily-of-the-valley! I planted 25 pips to the left and right of the hostas. I planted them right after they arrived. I am so worried that the hot spring will be too much for them and they won't come up. I am afraid to look in case they never appear. If that happens, I'll try again next year.
Because of the early spring, I rushed to get seeds in the ground.
I planted sweat peas and morning glory at the base of the triangle trellis. They are coming up after one week. Yikes!
There are nasturtiums all over the place. I don't even remember everywhere I pushed them in so I'll have to take pictures of those when they bloom.
I put giant sunflower seeds in peat pots so that I can baby them and then plant the whole pot into the ground when they are hardy. I have been worried that I did the planting wrong in that the seedling mix was very dry when I put it into the pots. Even though I soaked them before adding the seeds, the soil bubble up after planting and re-watering.
Last night it POURED with rain, and I was very worried that the seeds would have been upset and brought to the top of the soil. I got up at 6am and brought all the pots inside. In the light, I say this:

I have big plans for this big sunflowers.
I also put impatiens seeds in two of the peat pots... at least I thought I did. They are SO tiny! like dust. I don't have much hope there and will buy impatiens later to plant after the bleeding heart is done.
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