April status of the side bed...

Close-up of the Columbine:

I planted some Zinnia in the front of the bed here, and for the trellis we have sweet peas in the front and on the left, Black-Eyed Susan Vine on the right, and Cup and Saucer vine on the back. Let's see if any of these come up.
There are also nasturtiums everywhere!
Front bed...

It looks like the second fox-glove is not coming up :-(

We put a trellis on the lamp for the clematis...

I also planted some seeds of Cypress Vine (lpomoea quamoclit) on the opposite side.
Plan is to expand this bed into a kitchen garden.
Lavender in the island...

Under the kitchen window...

Shade bed...
TWO lily of the valley came back!

We got some bleeding hearts this year:

This is the bed next to the deck I planted late last year:

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