Sunday, December 03, 2006

Happy Birthday, Mom

Today is my Mom's birthday.

She has always been a creative person. Mostly using fabric as her medium. When I was young she was always doing an embroidery or tapestry of some sort, and I remember applique became the rage for a while, combined even with the embroidery. When we moved to America she made the obligatory geometric quilt, that oh so American of handiwork traditions. But my mother is not ordinary, and she is not geometric, so that wasn't going to do. She has been playing with different types of concepts now that all of these fabric and thread art forms have smoldered inside her left brain, and they have emerged from her into an expression of original creativity. She has become making fabric art. Since I think sometimes that I am the guinea pig receipient of the first try, like the first pancake in the batch, I would like to say that it started with a tapestry she made for us and our first home. I don't know that we ever hung that up in that house, but our new house had the perfect spot.





...and then she told me she wanted to try crazy quilts, and wanted to make me pillows, so I said, make them like Sassy toys.


...and then it just evolved into a fabric art craziness!!!

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.... and now... someone saw her art at the coffee shop and she's having exhibits all over the place!!

So - in homage to my Mother...
happy birthday, and may the creative force be with you propelling you into retirement from one career, and into another that motivates, releases, and invigorates you.



MERLE said...

Thank you Lisa! Praise from you is the highest praise of all! My most wonderful creation is still YOU! I love you more than anything else on earth! I am having a very happy day.

Unknown said...

The tapestry reminds me of Hmong story quilts. I wonder if your story is in yours? I love the pillows!!!

deetour said...

Those are amazing!!

Defunct Lisa said...

funny Rebecca! This is the only representation of marriage in my house! Sometimes I say that my mother made this for us so that we don't have to do it. Its a design by G. Escobedo - I think.